Thursday, March 13, 2008

Why do I...

have such shy, naughty children ???

So much for finding out today if my baby was a pink one or a blue one !!! We still have no idea !!!
Bubby just didn't want to cooperate. Had his/her legs crossed just like in the ticker to the right !!!
On a more positive note though, everything else looks as it should, and there would appear to be no chromosomal abnormalities.
Very relieved.
The placenta is looking a little "moth eaten" (technician's words not mine LOL), so I will probably have another scan in a few weeks time to keep an eye on it. It is probably related to the meds and blood condition.
Maybe we'll be able to see the sex of the baby then ??? Here's hoping !

I've also adjusted my tickers to reflect the measurements and new EDD given by the ultrasound today. Even if they are not 100% accurate, I think the new date will be just about right if I'm to have the caesar anyway.


Louise said...

:) :) :) and a cyber HUG too

Lou xx

Colleen said...

Congrats! Very exciting! They do have a way of playing games with us from the very beginning, don't they?!